Monday, November 11, 2013

Thankful for Apps

I have downloaded numerous educational apps, free and paid. Some are awesome, while some get deleted right away. Here are the three apps I am most thankful for this November.

 Word Wizard App

1) The Word Wizard Talking Alphabet App is $2.99, but it's worth every penny! It makes "Making Words" lessons a breeze. Put your magnetic letters and cards in the closet because these app has a talking alphabet that makes working with words so much easier! 

2) Next up is a FREE app that I use for educational and personal purposes . It's called Zite, and I use it every single day. Zite is an personalized, intelligent magazine that brings you daily articles on topics that interest YOU. You click on the topics you enjoy reading about (for example: DIY, Education, World News, Celebrities, Beauty). Zite analyzes articles from top blogs, magazines, newspapers, videos, and more. This is a MUST have for any reader! 

3) Subtext is another FREE app that seems too good to be true. Subtext supports Common Core, close reading, citing evidence, and guided reading lessons. It allows you to take any text from internet articles, PDF, and eBooks and upload it into the app. You can then annotate, cite, highlight, comment, and share the text. I tried it out with an article from TweenTribune Jr. Subtext took the article and transferred it into a very kid friendly text. Subtext makes modeling close reads & analyzing text smooth, clear, and effortless.  I can't wait to dive into it with my reading groups! 

Example of text I uploaded from Tween Tribune Jr

1 comment:

  1. These apps will be really beneficial for kids. Kids will get interested in learning through the app. The technology is very helpful in teaching kids. The students love to learn if they found it as interesting. Thank you for sharing this post.
